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加入日期:2022-4-15 9:42:17

发布时间:2022-04-15 09:31

On April 14, 2022, Patrice Caine, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Thales, and Marc Darmon, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Strategic Sector Committee (SSC) Security Industries, welcomed the arrival of the Group’s teams to the Cyber Campus, in the presence of Michel Van den Berghe, President of the Cyber Campus.
Located in Paris-La Defense and showcase of the know-how in cybersecurity, the Cyber Campus was inaugurated on February 15 with the aim of bringing together talents in the field of cybersecurity and creating synergies in the cyber ecosystem between actors from the public and private structures.
The arrival of Thales, the first group to join the Campus, illustrates the commitment of this world leader in high technology and deep tech to a wider sharing of cyber knowledge and to a more effective management of digital risk.


Pierre-Yves Jolivet, VP CyberDefence Solution, Marc Darmon, EVP Secure Communications & Information Systems, Michel Van Den Berghe, President of the Campus Cyber and Patrice Caine, Chairman and CEO of Thales at the Campus Cyber. (Photo: Thales)